How can you help support us?

Donate to our GoFundMe page!

Kevin! [The Musical] is a ground-up project involving several dozen highly talented people who are, for the most part, working for zero financial remuneration. Any money raised for this project goes immediately into the future production of this show, so every penny donated will literally help improve the quality of this future production that will be happening in March 2025.

Volunteer to help support this project!

The people involved in the creative team, cast, and band for Kevin! [The Musical] are almost entirely volunteers who are passionate about this project. We are still looking for people who would like to be involved in this project in many ways, so if you are keen to gain experience and exposure working on an original musical, then please get in touch with us through our Contact page or by emailing us at with any questions you have.

Follow us on social media and share!

This project relies primarily on social media and word of mouth for marketing and to generate funding, so please follow us on Instagram or subscribe to our YouTube channel and share our content with everyone you can. This is the most helpful and easiest thing anyone can do if they want to help see this project succeed.